Community Spotlight: Warhammer Orcs, Firefly Ships & Conquest Knights

October 14, 2020 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

Community Spotlight: Warhammer Orcs, Firefly Ships & Conquest Knights

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Warhammer Fantasy Orcs by deathwig

We start off this peek into Community Spotlight with a look at something which has got under my skin right now and it certainly seems to have hit deathwig too. Warhammer Fantasy Battles is very much on my mind right now and deathwig has managed to gather together a great little Orc force!

Warhammer Fantasy Orcs #1 by deathwig

The first of the miniatures that got painted up was the deadly Grimgor Ironhide who has head-butted his way through half of The Old World. I remember absolutely loving this miniature and yet never picking it up! deathwig has done a super job on this miniature getting that black armour looking tip-top and matching it nicely against the green skin that is typical of Orcs.

With the master of Black Orc badasses now finished, deathwig then turned their attention to some other Black Orcs here as you can see. Once again, I am loving the look of these warriors.

Warhammer Fantasy Orcs #2 by deathwig

The black armour looks great but it has been elevated slightly here and there in order to make the unit pop that little bit more. I like the touch of blue here and there and the splashes of blood that have been daubed on the weapons. The rubble and scrub is a good idea for the basing but I would suggest adding a rim of brown perhaps to the edges of the bases just to make them pop a little more and add another frame.

This is what deathwig has left to paint up and as you can see there is a good core force of fighting Orcs in there to tinker with. You've got your classic Orcs, Black Orcs, Arrer Boyz, a Chariot and also that Shaman and Orc Warboss to lead the way.

Warhammer Fantasy Orcs #3 by deathwig

It shouldn't take much to paint these up into a tabletop-ready state. One of the cool things about Orcs is that there are absolutely packed with character and even when you're working on a rank n' file miniature you can find plenty to spend your time on and have fun with.

Firefly Board Game Ships by spea6712

Moving on from Warhammer Fantasy we're heading into space and checking out these Firefly Ships from the Gale Force Nine board game. spea6712 has done a great job on these upgrade miniatures for this game set in the Firefly universe.

Firefly Board Game Ships #1 by spea6712

The colour schemes here are done to be detailed enough to make them pop and I could see them really shining on the board itself when you get down to play. The first of the ships above is one of the Reavers that you might encounter on your trip through the galaxy.

Of course, you've also got these wonderful Firefly ships which have been painted up very nicely too. I like the little bit of glow around the engines and the touches of colour here and there. once again, the scheme is subtle but it looks very good for a set of board game pieces.

Firefly Board Game Ships #2 by spea6712

The standout piece is probably the Tohoku-Class Cruiser which is the towering city-like ship which fans of the show and movie will be familiar with.

Firefly Board Game Ships #3 by spea6712

Again, the little pinpricks of colour here really work very nicely when contrasted with the slate grey of the ship at large. I think it gets across the theme and idea of twinkling lights running up its length and the powered-up engines burning away at the tips.

You can check out a couple more shots of these ships over on the project link above as they were made completely table-ready but in general, I think this is a great look at what you can do to make a board game pop.

Conquest Hundred Kingdoms by while

Finally, we're turning our attention to the work of while who has been joining us on the Path Of Conquest with their Hundred Kingdoms army. At the head of this is the Noble Lord who has been painted in a very grimdark style which seems to match nicely with the artwork that we've seen for the game.

Hundred Kingdoms #1 by while

This miniature was painted a while back but it offers up a good look at exactly how this army and its characters are going to look when expanded upon. I love the battered yet burnished look to the armour and the mud that has been slicked up his boots for days and weeks on campaign. The facial details also really pop and I like the streaks of grey in his hair and beard showing that he's a true old veteran.

Things get even cooler when we get a look at this absolutely epic Household Knight which, as well as winning a Golden Button from us, also won the Colours Of Conquest competition back in March. Again, the grimdark scheme here really works and also shows off just how much of a canvas these miniatures are to try something new.

Hundred Kingdoms #2 by while

It would be remiss of me not to note the freehand work on the shield and across the caparison which has been splattered with mud and grim during the charge. That is some very nice detailing work indeed!

Hundred Kingdoms #3 by while

I get the theme of a brutal and dangerous-looking Hundred Kingdoms army from this particular project and I can't wait to see how the normal troops come together in the next few weeks. There is more to come from this project and I will be keeping a keen eye on it as well as the rest of the entries for Path Of Conquest 2020.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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