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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 14

I had to paint another deadly damsel also armed with a bow. Like the hedgehog, this rabbit looks like she means business, like she has already racked up a body count.  I find the vegetarian archer a little more intimidating as she has mastered the bow strictly as a martial skill, she doesn’t need to hunt after all.  As usual, the sculpt is lively with a lot of character.

Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
Lovely Lethal Lady Leporid
I suggest you choose your next actions carefully.I suggest you choose your next actions carefully.

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Cult of Games Member

Beautiful work! What especially stands out, I think, are the flowers, which add a lot of character, and the eyes, which look amazing. All very inspiring for my own miniatures!


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