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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Lord Arblemarch

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Lord Gulliver Arblemarch

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Lord Gulliver Arblemarch

Lots of details on this mini made it slow to complete, even using Contrast colours for the cloak and the red parts.

I brush primed with Iraqi Sand primer. Trying to keep things light with the base being rather dark.
I used Flesh Eater Red Contrast on the shield etc with a Mephistom Red highlights after.
I used Leadbelcher and a silver highlight on much of the metal.
I used a mixture of Army Painter Weapon Bronze and Retributor Gold for the bronze parts. The cloak was Dark Angel Green Contrast Paint.
The skin is a mixture of Bugman’s Glow, Army Painter Barbarian Flesh and Reikland Fleshshade wash which has become my routine approach to flesh. This time I added a bit of Kislev Flesh in the highlight mix but it has a bit of a yellow tint that didn’t seem to suit him so dialled it back a bit.
There’s a sash or cloth behind his shield which I assume was to whipe his sword clean so left it the primer colour and dabbed some blood on there.
The base is off cuts of Reaper slotter tabs / sprue from another model. (Metal ravens I think). The letters add some interest. I will need to ensure I have some ruins around my terrain to make the base make sense.
The wolf pelt is a mix of dry brushing over quite a lot of wash. Wanted it to look old. The light brown drybrush around the edges was Rhino Hide. The white was a build from Morghast off white, to Celestra Grey and Grey Seer dry brushes.

Lord Gulliver Arblemarch
Lloyd shotLloyd shot

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