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Evilstu's Historical Tinkering

Evilstu's Historical Tinkering

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Wan’t happy with the gates on the larger orchard so pulled the vertical planks off them and set about weathering all the gates and posts. Then got to detailing the wall bases to try and make everything blend in and look a little more ‘lived in’. Presently have weights on the larger orchard trying to flatten the card it’s built on. If it doesn’t improve overnight I’ll dampen the cardboard and re-try (what could go wrong?…).

Additionally re-based 10 trees on some 3d printed bases for greater stability. Will detail those up tomorrow. Also got wooden fences primed and a bunch of civilians and animals undercoated. I’ll make a tabletop of this yet… 😉

Tonight will be watching something mindless on TV and trying to get the base colours finished on my last unit of Catholic League infantry. once that’s done, I’ll need to base the lot, which could be a full day job in and of itself.

Large orchard area...Large orchard area...
Small orchard area...Small orchard area...
Free-standing trees. Also playing with hedges in the foreground.Free-standing trees. Also playing with hedges in the foreground.

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