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Lupa15's Black Seas US Navy

Lupa15's Black Seas US Navy

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Taking a Break to Paint the Sea

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Back before the ‘rona hit us I had ordered the sea bases for the miniatures. To take a little break from painting the tiny details I decided to paint these.

Using an airbrush I applied Citadel's Kantor Blue accross the whole base. Then I tidied it up with a little bit of painting in the recesses and at the edges.Using an airbrush I applied Citadel's Kantor Blue accross the whole base. Then I tidied it up with a little bit of painting in the recesses and at the edges.
I then washed everything but the edges with Citadel's Coelia Greenshade.I then washed everything but the edges with Citadel's Coelia Greenshade.
Go back over the dried base with an Overbrush (a wet Drybrush) of Kantor Blue. Be a little bit heavier with it but leave the green wash in the recesses.Go back over the dried base with an Overbrush (a wet Drybrush) of Kantor Blue. Be a little bit heavier with it but leave the green wash in the recesses.
Using the same Overbrush method apply some Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue.Using the same Overbrush method apply some Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue.
Drybrush some Citadel Etherium Blue focusing on the raised waves.Drybrush some Citadel Etherium Blue focusing on the raised waves.
Finally apply spots of a green glaze. I use Citadel's Waywatcher Green as a glaze here.Finally apply spots of a green glaze. I use Citadel's Waywatcher Green as a glaze here.

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