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Vikings for a friend.

Vikings for a friend.

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The final miniature is finished

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

Hey, guys so finally finished the last miniature for Warren and will be posting Lagertha and Ragnar this week. He was kind enough not to give me a timeline as such so I have been using them for when I wanted a break from other projects as they are a single miniature and different from most of the other games I play.

I was a bit worried about doing human faces something I have avoided through lack of confidence for quite a while even to the point of making sure I pick a force either with full-face helms or of a none human race. The time forced to be at home during Corvid found me painting a lot of different miniatures and over a short period of time. It has really helped my painting in many areas and I finally feel comfortable with giving human faces a go. It is interesting to compare my first model on here’s face which I did a year ago and these final two. These projects are often great for showing where you have improved through comparison. I should have video of painting him up Tuesday evening for the Sitrep Podcast and so will drop the link here to act as a tutorial when that’s public.

Hopefully, Warren will like them and who knows what he will try to pass off to me next 🙂

If you interested in what else I have been painting feel free to have a look at my posts on Instagram.

Hasslefree Miniatures MiniHasslefree Miniatures Mini
The Lloyd shot! And it is a high quality one so you can increase it's size buddy.The Lloyd shot! And it is a high quality one so you can increase it's size buddy.

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Cult of Games Member

More epic work @noyjatat ! 😀

Cult of Games Member

Congratulation the figures are fabulous @noyjatat

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