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Civs Foray into Orky 40k

Civs Foray into Orky 40k

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Let battle commence

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Let battle commence

Orks first battle!

The Sisters of Battle against the Orks in the mission supply drop.

The sisters brought:

  • Sister superior
  • 10 Sister squad with 2 meltaguns
  • 10 Sister squad with 2 meltaguns
  • Rhino
  • Rhino

The Orks brought:

  • Weirdboy
  • 20 ork boyz with power klaw nob
  • 10 ork Boyz with power klaw nob
  • 5 Kommandos
  • 2 mek gunz

We set up a table that was symmetrical with ruins in each corner, a set of trees in the adjacent corners and a larger ruin in the middle.

Placement of objectives was fairly easy, one is placed in the middle and we both set up one in the ruins on our side of the board.

The aim was to keep the objectives for as long as possible, after a few turns one objective is removed at random and after another turn, one more objective is removed, the idea being the supply drop location is finally known.

Orks Won first turn.

Let battle commence

Ork Turn 1

The unit of 10 boys set up on the objective so they stayed put to start building up points.

The mek Gunz had the rhinos in their sights so stayed put (they are both smasha Gunz so should be okay at taking down Rhinos).

The unit of 20 boyz moved forward but with the expectation on using da jump in the psychic phase.

Kommandos stayed off the board for now.

In the psychic phase my weirdboy Rolled a double 6 and perilled on his first outing. Da jump went off but the weirdboy had a banging headache and took a mortal wound.

The 20 boyz found themselves 9 inches away from the SoB objective and the enemy HQ. Adter some ineffectual shooting the charge phase took the 20 boys straight into combat. This was going to be messy.

The orks charged the sister superior and the Rhino near the objective. The sister superior was swamped by a tide of green and brought low. The rhino took little damage.

SoB turn 1

The sisters in the engaged rhino disembarked and got ready to charge the orks now in the ruins.

The other sister squad in the rhino (deployed on the opposite side to the sisters objective) moved up full speed towards the ork objective.

The sisters shooting phase took down 7 of the 20 boys,  which they charged in the subsequent phase.

The order my opponent was using had bonuses in combat but wounding orks on a 5 meant th combat was very much on the orks favour.

Ork turn 2

The 10 strong boyz squad sitting on the objective get bored and move towards the rhino advancing towards them.

I also spring the kommandos out of the ruins in the middle of the battlefield ready to much on the transported sisters squad.

In the shooting phase the mek gunz gang up on the Rhino transporting the sister squad and knock it out and leaving its transported squad open to some excited Ork charges.

The charge phase saw both Ork charges get into the disorientated sisters squad, which ended very badly for the sisters.

The orks attacking the sisters on their objective cut some more down and suffered few casualties In return thanks to their high toughness.

After losing so much of his force the SoB player called the game. It was a surprising victory for the Orks, capturing all objectives and destroying the opposing force.

Game summary

We had a good chat about the game after we played to figure out what we got wrong (it was our first game and we got quite a bit wrong!)

We decided having two transports on such a small table which took up almost half his points was not worth it.

Standard SoB in combat vs Toughness 4 troops was also not ideal, wounding on 5s and being wounded on 3s, even with a 3+ armour save was only going to end one way.

We played another game, swapping out the transports for another 5 SoB and some seraphim. It was a much tougher battle but the Orks still won due to using da jump to get the big squad on his objective and catching the SoB squads in combat.

The SoB didn’t have any anti horde weapons, it was all meltasand bolsters. I think with flamers and more use of grenades the game would have been much more challenging for the Orks.

Da jump combined with ere we go is so strong in getting a big unit of orks straight into a combat in their choosing.

Let battle commence
Let battle commence

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