Conquest 100 Kingdoms by The Dace
Recommendations: 199
About the Project
I decided to join in with the Path of Conquest event running on the site. This is a log of my ideas, inspiations and progress.
Related Game: Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings
Related Company: Para Bellum Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: Path of Conquest 2020
This Project is Active
Milestone 4 into Milestone 5
Milestone 4 is finally finished.
I thought this would be a good time for a few group shots.
So, I push on to Milestone 5.
This will be a small one this time.
I simply aim to paint up my 12 Crossbow men.
Maybe, lockdown permiting, I will get a game soon.
Finished the Veteran!
Tonight while listening to the most excellent unofficial hobby hangout I managed to finish painting my 100 Kingdoms veteran.
A really nice model to work on, nice foot on stump pose.
I also tried to create sort of a Damascus steel effect on the sword and am quite happy with the results.
I used an acrylic paint outliner pen to create the way I wanted the blade the swirl and followed with a medium brown paint for certain parts.
I’m very close to completing this milestone now.
I look forward to updating again soon.
Steel legion completed (almost)
I finally completed my unit of Steel legion tonight!
I kept the red and black theme that is running through the rest of the army.
I still have the unit stands to complete but thats a 10 minute job.
I primed in Leadbelcher, painted on my block colours of red and black. A bit of bronze and leather here and there and silver for the sword blades.
I then drybrushed a bit of white and covered them in strong tone.
40 mins in the oven, gas mark 7 and voilà
I have also made a good start on my veteran. I should have him finished by the end of the week.
Milestone 3 into Milestone 4
So, into a new year and hopefully a better one for all.
I’m pleased to say that I have completed my milestone 3 and more!
Firstly the Men at Arms are finished.
The extra crossbow men have been added and will be painted along with my original 12 in the future.
My Imperial officer has not only been started but completed.
I am really happy with how he came out.
The Steel legion have been tidied up a little and I’ve even made a start on painting them.
Milestone 4 will be as follows
- Finish painting my Steel legion unit
- Put together and paint up a veteran model that I received for Christmas
- Add some texture and grass to my unit base stands.
I’m giving myself a month to complete the above, wish me luck.
Milestone 2 into Milestone 3
I managed to get my Milestone 2 completed.
My battle report and completed Cavalry unit can be seen in my previous updates.
I managed to find and purchase a battle mat that I like.
It is the Pwork Woodland valley Arcade Edition.
This edition is a little vibrant and has more contrast than the standard edition, right up my street.
I purchased an Imperial officer from OTT and put him together along with the Steel Legion that he will be commanding.
I made a start painting my Men at Arms and would say that I’m well over halfway there with them.
I’ve primed in a bone colour, used blood red on the shields as per the army scheme. The armour is a gunmetal color and the leather was a Scale 75 instant colour brown.
Milestone 3
- A change is as good as a break- I’m not great at painting lots of the same thing and have found painting these 24 men at arms hard work. I’m going to paint up a few of my Zealot minis Heroquest models up in-between Conquest stuff.
- I will finish painting my men at arms.
- I need to tidy up my Steel legion minis before priming. I’ve recently bought a small multi tool for this purpose.
- Add another 12 Crossbowmen to my force
- Start painting my Imperial officer.
I have finally finished my Household knights which was my last part of milestone 1 going into milestone 2.
I’m really happy with how these turned out.
I didn’t want them to stand out as much as my noble lord so I painted the armour in leadbealcher with a strong tone wash.
I kept the red and black colour scheme although with a little more black this time.
Below are some wip pictures as well as the finished job.
Battle Time!
So, I managed to get another battle in before “dreaded lockdown”
We decided to go 500pts per side instead of just using the contents of the starter box.
This time we would be adding in Heirlooms and abilities.
My 100 Kingdoms force was as follows –
1x Mounted Noble Lord with the Shroud of Lazarus (+1 resolve and fearsome) and Jouster ability (Brutal impact 2)
3x Household Cavalry
12x Mercenary Crossbowmen
12x Men at Arms
My opponents force was as follows –
1x Pheromancer (with healing abilities that I cant remember the name of)
24x Force Grown Drones
3x Brute Drones
We had decided after our initial battle a few weeks back to use a bit less scenery, so only 4 pieces were placed, one in each quarter of the battlefield.
The battle seemed to have been delayed with absolutely nothing showing up in turn one for either side.
Turn 2 however, my whole army showed up which I kind of didn’t want.
I placed my Crossbowmen on my right flank, Men at Arms on my left flank and my knights and general in the center.
I advanced my whole force en mass which was a mistake.
Soon my opponents Force grown drones and Pheromancer took to the field, closely followed by a unit of Brute drones.
The Force grown drones advanced and made short work of my crossbowmen with the few casualties I managed to inflict quickly being healed up.
The Brute drones played a more canny game, using scenery to their advantage in blocking a charge angle from my Knights and Noble lord.
I tried to use my Men at arms to lure out the Brutes but in doing so these were wiped out to a man in the first round of combat with them.
I eventually managed to get my knights in at the Brutes but this was too little too late and the days was my opponents.
Very well played to my opponent Sam, thanks for a great game.
Some pictures below.
The end of milestone 1 and what I'm doing for milestone 2
So, everything completed in milestone 1 apart from painting up my cavalry.
I have however, made a good start on this and my first challenge of milestone 2 will be finishing them up.
My milestone 2
- Finish painting my cavalry from milestone 1
- Purchase an imperial officer to use with my steel legion
- Have a look for a suitable Battle mat
- Put together the above Steel legion and officer
- Have another game, this time adding in heirlooms, special abilities, spells etc…
- Make a start on painting my men at arms
A small battle Report
The forces were the 2 forces from the starter set
My force
1 Mounted noble
3 Household cavalry
12 Crossbowmen
24 Men at Arms
My opponent
1 Pheromancer
3 Brute drones
1 Abomonation
24 Force grown drones
My opponents Force grown drones were first to take to the battlefield, a regiment of 24 including the Pheromancer leader.
This unit ponderously advanced towards the centre of the battlefield.
Next to take to the field were a unit of 3 Brute drones, advancing quickly down my left flank.
My crossbowmen decided to show up at this point, taking a central-ish position, looking to get a few shots on the force grown drones but being out of range.
We now enter the next phase of the battle where both my Household cavalry with general and my opponents hulking abomination take to the field.
The abomination advances down my left flank and the cavalry down the centre of the board hoping to line up a charge on the force grown drones (mistake)
The crossbowmen manage to manoeuvre into range and take out a few force grown drones.
The spires force advance en-masse, now mostly down my left flank.
The next phase of the game sees my unit of men at arms remember that they have a battle today and turn of on my left size, hoping to head off the abomination.
The crossbowmen get off one last volley of shots before my cavalry crashes into the front of the force grown drones.
The charge wasn’t as successful as I would have liked with many Drones remaining.
My men at arms charge the abomination in the side but due to being very near the edge of the board could not turn to get more than a few bases in contact.
I few wounds were done to the beast but many men fell in the counter attack.
The brute drones in the meantime had managed to get a charge in my crossbowmen, wiping them out completely.
Fighting was thick and furious at this point in the game and the battle could have gone either way.
My men at arms pressed on trying to pierce the thick hide of the abomination, seeming to wound the beast grievously.
Alas, to the dismay of the men at arms these substantial wounds inflicted to the abomination began to heal before their very eyes.
Evil magics from the Pheromancer healed all except one wound on the abomination, this seeming to fill the beast with vigour as it wiped out the remaining men at arms to a man.
Meanwhile in the middle of the field the household cavalry and general managed to finally finish off the force grown drones and Pheromancer but too late.
The Bute drones and Abomination wheel in unison to face the now exhausted knights.
Valiant to the last, The Household cavalry crash into the brute drones with one finally charge.
The knights broke like water on rocks, the last man to go down was the general himself, fighting to the very last.
A battle
Part of my milestone 1 was to learn the rules and actually have a battle.
I did just this!
It was against my good friend Sam using the two sides from the starter box.
I used the 100 Kingdoms with Sam fielding a force of Spires.
My friend was well deserved winner with me bogging my best unit down in his Force grown drones for a lot of the game. ( A well placed trap from Sam)
All in all I enjoyed it and am looking forward to another game, where I can exact some revenge.
Some pics to and a bit of a battle report to follow, I’m afraid currently without a mat or painted minis.
How do you know he's a king? He's not covered in s#$t
Part of my first milestone was to paint my leader.
The overall paint scheme of my army is to be black and red.
Being the leader this chap definitely needed to be the shiniest of all the troops.
I started with a bone coloured undercoat.
The shade of red I used was Vallejo game colour blood red, quite thin but vibrant so 2 coats of that.
Black was just a straight Vallejo game colour black.
The armour was a base coat of bright bronze then Polished gold, a Reiksguard flesh wash and then a bit more gold.
Various bonemeal highlights were applied and a suitable rock from my garden was put on the base to add some heft.
Above are some wip pics.
Below are a few finished product pics.
I really enjoy painting this guy.
A side quest
Now this isn’t on my milestone 1 list hence the side quest title.
I wanted a Boar or a Boars head emblem on my shields possible due to reading about Richard iii recently.
I really couldn’t find any transfers that I liked the look of and to be honest there weren’t many Boar options.
Its was suggested by Gerry that I could print my own Transfers which had not occurred to me.
I ordered some suitable printer paper from Amazon.
A quick search online and I found a Boars head image that I liked.
This image I then copied into word resizing and duplicating as required.
I tested how well the printing had worked on the closest thing to hand.
Next to try on one of the models these transfers are intended for.
More by luck than design it was the perfect fit for the shield.
Stage 1 of Milestone 1 completed
Well that’s all the 100 Kingdoms from the starter box put together.
The models were quite easy to build but I did make a few mistakes.
Here is what I did wrong so as to maybe help other people building these models.
The mounted noble, I glued the tail of the horse on before the horses skirts.
This was the wrong way of doing it and I had to physically break off the tail and green stuff it to put it right.
Next to the men at arms.
Remember to not glue the torso to the legs straight on all the minis. These models seemed to look a lot more dynamic in a twisting pose rather than all facing straight on.
Milestone 1
Milestone 1
Si vis pacem para bellum
For my First Milestone I intend on getting all of the 100 Kingdoms units from the Starter set clipped, glued and based.
100 Kingdom contents of the starter box are as follows
1 Mounted Noble Lord
3 Household Knights
12 Crossbow men
24 Men at Arms
I will also get my mounted Noble Lord and Household knights painted up.
I intend to learn the rules (I’ve only read Lore so far), build a list and get my first game in.
The inspiration
Basically the inspiration was the coverage on the On Table Top Site.
The store deal on the starter set bundle was a good one so I took the plunge.
I’d seen this game before at the UKGE I though it looked great but never followed up my interest in it until now.
The minis look great as does the overall style and artwork for the game.
What was also a deciding factor is that I have a friend who also has the game from a while back. It can be hard sometimes to find an opponent for a lesser known game / system. My friend likes the look of the Spires so an accord was made where I would play the 100 Kingdoms and he the Spires.