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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Turn 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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A decimation in the centreA decimation in the centre

Well! The fighting in the center of the field was brutal. Both blocks of P&S tore into each other and five units were decimated and left the field. (I think I might need to review the number of dice per unit!).

On the Scottish Right, a Cavalry Melee is ongoing with little resolved. Unfortunately the Turn ended (2 black dice) before the Highlanders could get into the action.

On the Scottish left the Heavy Cavalry was surprisingly set back by some extraordinarily lucky dice throws by the Covenanters and have become “Shaken”, thus limiting their future orders to Rally after which if they pass their moral test, they will return to Steady status and can attack again.

The artillery is having no real effect, mainly I think do to the long distance they are shooting at. The positioning of artillery is obviously important as moving them once the battle starts is almost impossible.

As things stand, if the English can break the Scottish centre I think this will give them the day.  The Scots meantime will have to hold the centre and get the Highlanders into action as soon as possible.

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