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Cult of Games Member

Mrs Blinky and I recently took a bit of a road trip down to Cornwall (from Brighton). We found this amazing place called Polperro.


One of the amazing things about it, is that there are no cars allowed. It’s an idea I’ve banged on about for about twenty years (just think, it could solve so many issues currently facing us here in the UK – reduce congestion, improve air quality, fight obesity, encourage local shopping etc). But to drive into a village and then be told by a massive sign to park up in the car park and walk the last half mile or so was quite impressive.


Polperro is absolutely beautiful. We would have stayed longer.

Except Mrs Blinky fell out of the campervan on the first night and broke her pelvis – so we had to hot-foot it back home and get her into a local hospital (in case she needed to stay in for a few days!). So we’re back home now. And I’m back making cool projects (in between all the fetching and carrying and cooking and making cups of teas) – the latest is Knight Riders’ KITT –

So, onto the questions:

  • How many game systems do you own?About ten. Including Blood Bowl and Space Hulk and Space Crusade. I’ve a couple of game-agnostic rulesets (the One Hour Wargames book is pretty cool) and I just bought Reality’s Edge. I’ve a zombie survival game somewhere (forget the name) Dead Man’s Hand and a few rulesets from DriveThruRPG. I love painting miniatures and more recently making terrain but I’m not actually a big gamer
  • Have you played them all? Of course not. But looking forward to trying out Dead Man’s Hand and Reality’s Edge – I’ve heard lots of great reviews for both
  • Have you painted all miniatures that came in the respective (core/beginner) boxes? Hahhahah hahahaha hahaha ha ha ha.

Pledges – Earthworm Jim is almost finished. But I started a new project. Ooops. So I guess I’d better pledge to finish something this week. Finish Earthworm Jim. AND Knight Rider (hey, let’s get ambitious!)

Music – just give it a go. See if there’s anything you recognise in there:



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