Bundles Of Stretch Goals Unlocked For Archon’s Dungeons & Lasers II

September 7, 2020 by brennon

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Archon Studio has got around thirty-six hours left on their Kickstarter for Dungeons & Lasers II which offers up a bunch of fantastic dungeon building terrain for you to use in your Fantasy and Sci-Fi tabletop games. The campaign has so far managed to unlock over ninety stretch goals!

Stretch Goals Unlocked - Archon Studio

Stretch Goals Unlocked // Archon Studio

Check Out The Kickstarter Campaign Here

This shows off the vast array of different options that they have added into the mix, some big and some small, that offer up ways to add character to your tabletop. A lot of the options allow you to tinker with narrative in both your Sci-Fi and Fantasy adventures.

Additional Stretch Goals

There are plenty of awesome bits and bobs already getting unlocked soon for the campaign as it moves into its final couple of days on Kickstarter. For example, add to your Dwarven tavern with this particular set...

Grab Some Beer Set - Archon Studio

Grab Some Beer Set // Archon Studio

...or maybe sit down to plan out the next stage of your adventures with the Command Room Set in your Sci-Fi games. This could be a pretty awesome place to run in and grab the data from your enemies, overwhelming the security forces in order to scarper with the map!

Command Room Set - Archon Studio

Command Room Set // Archon Studio

Those two options above have already been unlocked but coming soon you've also got this Blacksmith's Gear Set which might be set up somewhere in your dungeon or above ground in a town.

Blacksmiths Gear - Archon Studio

Blacksmith's Gear Set // Archon Studio

AND, if you're looking to get torturous then you might want to dive in and check out the Love Your Inquisitor Set. I think this would be a pretty cool place to set up a rescue as you free one of your friends from the clutches of the enemy.

Love Your Inquisitor - Archon Studio

Love Your Inquisitor Set // Archon Studio

I think Inquisitor Glokta would very much enjoy these toys and even though these are very medieval they could also work in a grimdark Sci-Fi setting too. Imagine these down in the depths of an Imperium dungeon, trying to keep cultists contained.

Finally, you've also got the community voted option for if they can hit the $1 Million mark. This is a brand new extra dragon which looks like it's got a little bit of an Asian influence in its design. Who could say to more dragons?

1 Million Stretch Goal - Archon Studio

$1 Million Stretch Goal // Archon Studio

If they did manage to unlock this stretch goal, how would you attempt to paint the miniature? I think it would look good painted in a mix of reds, yellows and oranges. You could almost make it into a sort of Phoenix/Dragon combo I think which would be very cool!

Are you tempted to dive in and help them reach that top stretch goal?

"Are you tempted to dive in and help them reach that top stretch goal?"

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