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Blood Bowl players – build your crowds here!

Home Forums Terrain & Scenery in Tabletop Gaming Blood Bowl players – build your crowds here!

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    After backing the Kraken Stadium Kickstarter late last month (for Blood Bowl pitch terrain) it seemed rude not to throw twelve quid at this one:


    There are some great looking minis to populate your pitch-side stands.


    Oozing character, I love this orc, remonstrating with a fellow fan.


    I love that so many races are represented – the ogre taking his elf girlfriend to the football for the afternoon is a really nice touch.


    The kickstarter even includes a stand which – unlike so many others – can be printed in multiple (flat) parts. So many people think that once they’ve created the 3d model, their work is done. But anyone who has ever printed a massive part like a football pitch stand would appreciate how much quicker (and easier) it is to print separate parts and assemble them afterwards.




    Cult of Games Member

    Just noticed the “bleachers” (?!) stadium thing is only available after unlocking at 1,000 euros.

    So let’s share the life out of this thing and get it released!


    Cult of Games Member

    Looks like a good set – I’ve backed it for when I eventually  get a resin printer


    Cult of Games Member

    Stadium/stand has been unlocked. Can’t wait for this to complete. Just need to learn some speed painting techniques – even my quickest/sloppiest work is taking about three hours per mini. At that rate, I’ll never have a decent crowd painted!


    Cult of Games Member

    blood bowl or not … that crowd looks amazing

    I wish there were more npc style figures to use as part of terrain in games.


    These are amazing, I love them.

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