Punic Wars
Carthage Must Be Defended!
So I’m starting to kick off the Punic Wars with the the best civilisation, The Carthaginians!
I broke out the starter set from Fighting Hedgehog and fired up the Clashculator Army Builder and got myself a 958 point force.
If you’re interested you can see the list here.
Finally, square bases as God intended! I’m guessing this is for Clash and Age of Hannibal?
Clash initially, I’ll have to wait for the book for Hannibal to land at the end of the month, some of the mercs in my carthaginian force are numidian and they have their own list in AoH. Also unit sizes will be out, so I expect I’ll be putting an order into Aventine in October for some packs to flesh out the force for Saga then.