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In Midnight Clad on Nightmare Wings

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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In Midnight Clad on Nightmare Wings

A host Raptorial.

I like all of the poses on these with the expectation of one – so I choose that one to have the helmet less head.

The leader or the squad currently doesn’t have a head as I am awaiting these arriving:

In Midnight Clad on Nightmare Wings

I have also bought a squad of Havocs who I will also furnish their leader with one of these Helmets, the rest will probably get the Night Lord themed helmets I purchased.

From here, I will pick up the Contekar Terminators – (would I have preferred the Atramentar, probably, but we will settle for these fellas).

So, we had a huge issue with the specialist helmets and pads – they got sent to the USA by mistake!

These have now eventually arrived and I bought some of the 40K Raptors to use with these.

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