Bobs Fictional Countries
Battle Report Move 2
Move 2 can be possibly characterised as the Drrr ! move
More experienced WW3 players may have seen it coming!
Anyway the 1st 2 dice out of the bag were green , one was put on the 1st M901 platoon and one on the HMMV’s . Both stayed put and fired missles at the 3 Spandrels , each unit with 50% of the shots and dispatched their targets, the remaining Spandral decided that the little coastal village it had passed needed defending and left the table sharpish on failing its morale roll.
It is here I had the Drr! Moment as I pulled a red dice and put it on the T64’s.
‘Ah ha’ I thought I can try a whittle down the Abrams and 3 hits were achieved. This was followed by a stunned silence and long ‘ Drrr!’ Moment as I realised that neither my missiles or even main gun could penetrate, as the former is 21 and latter is 22 , the M1A1HC’s is a 22 for armour so best I could do is equal the tanks frontal armour and it still had its save roll even I can’t roll 0 on a 6 sided Dice.
Next was another red , Still slightly stunned and rapidly trying to re think the Volgan plan I decided to move the T55’s up left flank to try and get on the side of the M1A1HC’S , but only 2 of them succeeded in their crossing check.
Then a green for the M1A1HC’S themselves able to fire twice whilst moving and with no mods for range should have been 5 dead T64’s but all this tech can be buggered up by my die rolling two tanks failed their crossing test for the rough ground and so had no line of site. The other 2 got into range both fired twice on 3+ to hit……with 2 as 2 out of the dice were ones . No saving role for armour due to 23 pen of gun and then for firepower tests I role 1’s on a 2× so the crew merely bail out as can be seen on earlier photo tanks have turret reversed!
The 3nd M901’s Platoon goes next and targets the BMP-2’s by the road scoring the traditional 1 hit for another dead BMP.
They go next but have only one that can see its tormentors and promptly shoots at Gerry again.
That was the last bit of shooting for the move. Col Keithsoloplos realising his cunning plan to use his weight of numbers to out shoot the Mercians ,was out the window, decided to charge on down the road hoping the T64’s will keep the M1A1HC’S busy enough for him to get into flanking positions once his left flank has dealt with the Mercian support units These units as was their commander were moving to block.
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