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The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

The Horus Hersey - The Primarchs

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Ferrus Manus

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 7
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So, work finally begins on Ferrus Manus.

So far we have :


Chaos Black Spray > heavy ^dry^ Dark Reaper > Abaddon Black

Metal Details

Baltasar Gold & Iron Hands steel (Shade) Nuln Oil Gloss

In between the armour joints (Not sure what to call that!)

Dark Reaper (Shade) Nuln Oil

Then going to highlight all the Gold with Sycorax Bronze. May take some Storm Host Silver over the Iron Hands Steel.


One of the most noticeable things about Ferrus are his metal arms. Not metal in the sense that he is a cyborg and has robot arms, but his arms are described as being like a metal flesh.

I haven’t read a lot of Iron Hands stuff, but the Forgeworld pic of the model shows his arms as being flesh going into metal. Not sure that’s what the guy who created the character intended but it looks cool.

It also reminds me of one of the main Villians from the Monolith Conan boardgame who was flesh and metal – I forgot his name.

Anyway I have attempted to do that!

So, I have started off by giving him a few thin coats of Ratskin Flesh – I wanted Ferrus to have a darker complexion.

From there I have shaded it with Reikland Flesh Shade.

The metal parts I have done using Iron Hand Steel, taken it up onto the biceps but leaving some of the Ratskin Flesh visible at the top.

I have then taken Game Colour Blue Ink – a very very vivid blue – watered it down a lot, and ran a few thin coats over the metal – almost like a glaze.

From there I will highlight the Ratskin with Cadian Flesh Tone. And the steel with Storm Host Silver.

**UPDATE 2**

So, had a bit of time today to work on Ferrus, as we can see we have got his head partially done.


Abaddon Black ^Dry^ Skavenblight Dinge (shade) Nuln oil

Might give this a further light dry brush on the templates with Stormvermin Fur


Ratskin Flesh (shade) Reikland Flesh shade *Highlight* Cadian Fleshtone.

Then we have painted his eyes in with Iron Hands Steel (shade) Nuln Oil

The Arms have been glued on and highlighted. I will need to take Reikland Flesh Shade back over those are the highlights are quite strong.

Painted a few of the skulls in white and just need to shade them to fill in the recesses.

Then work begins on the Hammer and backpack – need to find a guide for the back pack as it has lots of bits to glue on.

More work on Ferrus as well.

Constructed his bizarre backpack – which was a huge pain in the arse trying to fit that together properly.

Also added his weird like cog head piece, still a few cables and what not to glue on.

I have also did a lot of work on his scenic base – painting in the some dead Iron Hands.

A lot of these bases feature dead marines, and I really need to have a look on Ebay to see if I can pick up some transfers for their shoulder pads.

Need to finish the other half of the base now which has a dead Emperor’s Children (Child?) on it.

It’s currently held in place with blu tack and that seems the way to go for me for a lot of these pieces – I toyed with the idea of magnets like a lot of people have, but it looks fiddly and prone to easy mistakes!

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