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Lupa15's Black Seas US Navy

Lupa15's Black Seas US Navy

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Painting White is a Pain!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I decided the easiest thing to do was to paint certain areas and then do a “cleanup”. I have finally gotten to the last little bit of cleanup…the white.  However this is proving to be more difficult than I ever imagined with lots of tiny details throughout the ship.

Here is the paint scheme so far:

  • Guns/Anchors – Army Painter Necromancer Cloak
  • Hull and Masts – Citadel Corvus Black
  • Sails – Army Painter Skeleton Bone
  • Deck and Lifeboats – Vallejo 310 (Panzer Aces) Old Wood
  • Gun Carriages and Gun Ports – Army Painter Pure Red
  • Inner Hull Lining – Vallejo 924 Russian uniform WW2
  • Hull, Masts and Lifeboats – Vallejo 820 Off-White
  • Rope – Citadel Zamesi Desert

Additionally I am playing around with names for the Frigates and the Brigs.  Historically the US Navy did not have many ships and most ships didn’t fit the specifications of the in game ships.
Frigates – USS Chesapeake, USS Congress, USS Constellation
Brigs – USS Oneida, USS Niagara, USS Jefferson
If anyone has any good historical references that I can use to expand upon this list of ships it would be much appreciated.

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