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More Old Minis

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So this was the last batch of minis from yesteryear that I’m painting for now. I have one more Bretonnian Foot knight taking a bath but, seeing as he’s waited since 1997, he can wait a few more days.

Some more D&D minis (by GW) including a flesh golem, a cleric and a group of townsfolk. There’s also a Mordheim Reikland Captain that I decided would look good in black armour and a mounted road warden from Averland.

As previously stated I doubt I’ll get much, if any use from them, they just needed to get done.

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ninjilly Recent comment authors
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Such characterful miniatures, I especially like the guy waving his fist. Good job bashing them out, getting use or not, at least they got a little love

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