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Cyberpunk city mdf buildings

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A quick wash and a drybrush and call it done

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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We debated about using a wash before drybrushing the buildings. I wasn’t sure. I thought it’d make the motar too dark and it’d look better kept as a bright ivory colour. Mrs Blinky said we could always made some more if this didn’t turn out right.

As ever, it turns out she was right. A wash with some Agrax Earthshade and a drybrush of bright orange, and they turned out really nice!

A quick wash and a drybrush and call it done

We’ve got about four building finished to date – still not quite enough for a full city, but enough to see how they are going to look when placed together.

Now to make some pavements and tie the whole lot together!

A quick wash and a drybrush and call it done

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