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New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

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Bladeguard Veterans

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans

Ok so the little booklet said these guys come from the 1st company so that’s all the push I needed to paint these guys in the style of Deathwing. I used contrast Skeleton Horde to get that dirty bone color. I took inspiration from how GW painted Deathwing knights so I painted their robes Dark Angels green.

I also painted the majority of the shields Dark Angels green to keep the contrast from the bone armor doing the inlay in Balthazar Gold and washed with Agrax Earthshade.

I kept the gold bracer and chest piece to keep continuity with the rest of my troops. The leather is still contrast Snakebite Leather and all the red is Blood Angels red.

For the swords I just painted them in leadbelcher, washed in Nuln Oil, then dry brushed with a small amount of Tallasar Blue to try and give it that blue hue.

The sideways pictures have returned! Surely the Emperor is with us!

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Cult of Games Member

Nice looking figure there, just be carefully when painting and remember to touch up if you accidentally spill over. But I am loving these


You’re doing well, with the contrast paints you have some working time so if you put too much into an area like the eyes you can clean your brush off and dry it on a bit of paper and use the fresh brush to wick up any excess.

I look forward to seeing your next bit of work, you’re definitely making progress and it’s great to see.

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