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Animated Cylon with LEDs at 32mm

Animated Cylon with LEDs at 32mm

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Tutoring 16
Skill 18
Idea 17
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At the risk of mis-remembering yet more stuff about programmes I watched as a small child, something stuck in my mind about Cylons hanging about in gangs of three.

It turns out that that was more to do with piloting spaceships. But I figured three was a good number (plus, after soldering three lots of tiny 0603 LEDs into tiny arrays, my patience was running a bit thin, for losing so many parts amongst the dust and detritus on my workbench!)

So here’s the final video.

@Sundancer came up with this crazy idea. My immediate reaction was “no way, you’d be a fool to even try something so bonkers.”

Even now, I still think that might be true….

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