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[unofficial weekender] Stay hydrated

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This topic contains 70 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ### Start of shameless copy & paste ###

    Read all of this before you start as it will save any trouble later.

    First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.

    You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.

    If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.

    A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil.

    Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.

    Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)

    And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at

    ### End of shameless copy & paste ###

    Questions of the week:

    • When doing hobby in the current heat wave (in the northern hemisphere) do you think of drinking enough?
    • What is you favourite drink to drink while doing hobby?
    • Is your hobby room well ventilated, an oven or do you call some sort of air-conditioning your own?

    Don’t forget to drink!


    Cult of Games Member


    • Mostly yes
    • ice cooled lemonade or juice fresh from the freezer.
    • It’s a room. I have a ventilator… but that’s it. Thankfully the window points to the north so no heating up.




    What madness is this where I am first to comment? Oh the joys of insomnia!

    Having just finished Tyrion (or at least working on some basing…) I think I’ll move on to Robb Stark, seeing as I’ve done Grey Wind already… Here’s a poor light picture of Tyrion, though to tide you all over!


    And for questions!

    When doing hobby in the current heat wave (in the northern hemisphere) do you think of drinking enough?

    I live in a swamp with poor air conditioning and I’m built for Arctic conditions…it’s always a heat wave during the summer for me… I’m also useless at remembering to drink sometimes…

    What is you favourite drink to drink while doing hobby?

    Usually cola or juice. I tend not to paint as neatly when I drink cider…

    Is your hobby room well ventilated, an oven or do you call some sort of air-conditioning your own?

    There is air con in this house…but my room is above the furnace and has raccoons in the roof taking out the insulation…so it leaks cool air like a sieve…


    Cult of Games Member

    This weekend I am going to get the rigging all tied up on a couple of Black Seas ships. I’ve finished the standing rigging on one already  just getting going on the second (image below). It has been good to have a little project to fall back on that doesn’t require painting in this heat. Once the rigging is done, I’ll carry on painting up some more British Napoleonics for the rest of the week (Royal Horse Artillery specifically), weather pending.



    I usually have a glass of water sat close by when hobbying (suitably distinct and at a sufficient distance from paint water to prevent a horrible mistake). I’m pretty good at taking a drink and keeping myself hydrated.

    Water is the usual fluid, sometimes there’s coffee, although it risks getting cold if I get too absorbed.

    My hobby room is at the back of the house and doesn’t get direct sunlight, so stays pretty cool. The only option for extra ventilation is to pop open a couple of windows.


    Cult of Games Member

    ah … the wizard is asking questions again

    1) When doing hobby in the current heat wave (in the northern hemisphere) do you think of drinking enough?
    too hot to do anything except drink and sleep … so

    2) What is you favourite drink to drink while doing hobby?
    never do both at the same time

    3) Is your hobby room well ventilated, an oven or do you call some sort of air-conditioning your own?
    that would require me to have a hobby room to begin with … 😉

    I think some might know this song :


    Cult of Games Member

    Ah… that Esq Dude… but he has a much, much more fitting song:




    Last week’s hobby all fell through largely because of the heat so I’ve tried to prepare for this weekend by working round it. I’ll be working on some roads. I feel that most games for the next couple of years are going to be in houses rather than at clubs and so I want to try and have the basics covered.

    1.  Drinking enough water is about the only healthy thing I actually do. I keep a couple of refillable bottles in the fridge and it is perfect right now.

    2. Water mainly, sometimes tea but like @scribbs it usually goes cold because I forget about it.

    3. Oven. Last week paints were drying so quickly, everything I painted looked awful.


    Cult of Games Member
    • When doing hobby in the current heat wave (in the northern hemisphere) do you think of drinking enough?

    I reckon so. Though cold water has replaced mugs and mugs of tea in recent days.

    • What is your favourite drink to drink while doing hobby?

    Usually, tea. While doing hobby, while not doing hobby, while at the pub playing music at the jam night – I think it’s fair to say that “my tipple” is tea.

    • Is your hobby room well ventilated, an oven or do you call some sort of air-conditioning your own?

    I built myself a workshop at the bottom of the garden a few years ago – not just for hobby, but for working from home. But, let’s be honest, it’s mostly about the hobby. I thought I was being a clever little sausage putting large patio style doors on the east side (to get the sunshine first thing in the morning, then sheltered during the rest of the day). I’ve got quite a few windows in the workshop but even then, it gets pretty toasty in there during these hot summer afternoons (and pretty darned cold in the winter if I’m honest). A fan keeps the air moving in there, but I haven’t yet got air conditioning.


    This week’s pledge: easy. Finish my Cylons (yes, plural). Anyone else fancies making one, I started a write up here:

    Here’s some music:

    Yes, it’s more 80’s guitar-based rock. But, man, what a guitar solo. Vito Bratta was an amazing guitarist. Whatever happened to him?



    Cult of Games Member

    Just a thought – has anyone else changed their routine because of the heat?

    During lockdown, I used to happily spend a whole afternoon painting away, but the idea of battling with drying paints (even with a wet palette) and dripping sweat everywhere has me only starting painting after about 9pm these days. And even then, only for an hour or so, rather than the four and five hour sessions I have been putting in.

    How is everyone else coping with the heat? Battling through?

    Or going for a swim in the sea during the day, a meal out in the evening, then just an hour or so if you can be bothered, like the rest of us 😉



    Cult of Games Member

    Just a thought – has anyone else changed their routine because of the heat?

    @blinky465 Yes…. I think… that being said, I don’t think I really have a routine…

    Fan is running, drinks are chilled


    You’re surprised about heat? Its summer so its always hot. Being in a high desert with little humidity means you’re always drinking water where I am. Its great for paint and sealant drying times. Primer and some metallics still require a good 24hr dry/cure but overall its nearly brush and forget, making it difficult to catch errant brushstrokes and pull them up when they happen.

    I’ve actually turned to drinking something that is a Korean staple, roasted barley tea served cold. Its very good.

    I hobby in a house that is very well cooled. I get somewhat annoyed because the AC runs and dries my paints. That’s why drying retarder is made I guess. I don’t think I’ll get the hand of wet blending with these conditions.

    As far as drinking, yes I am. I am drinking to the life my dear furball has lived as I will soon lay him to rest after his 16 years of life. I complained that he never learned to drive or get a job to help pay for his food or cat litter but no more. Alas, he will not be old enough to vote this year or the next time they are held. My beloved furtard has reached the end and my high mileage cat will not suffer creakiness and pain much more.

    *sigh* As anyone can guess last week’s pledge was a bust. This week I’ll do work on my minis despite the upcoming event. I got about to pulling out masking material from storage so it should end up an interesting pattern on my desert fighter. I also have other things in the works that might be getting pushed through. I’ve been wrapping my brain about putting this hobby into high gear and making a real bit of work but I’m not sure if it’ll pan out as most of the world is locked down and not likely to come out for at least a year (given medical advances/research).

    Will we as a hobby community come out of this pandemic with no Piles of Shame because we’ve painted it all?

    If our FLGS shut down permanently from the lockdowns is there no other way than to turn to forums such as this to show off what we’ve been cooking up in this crazy time of isolation?

    Bah! I’m upset and this sucks… I apologize for the rant but there aren’t any other people I can rant to and commiserate with that would have an inkling of what I’m on about right now other than you lot. After all that depressing writing I offer a baby beaver. Here’s your Death By Cuteness segment for the week. @brennon I warn you that you might curl up and squee with glee heartily


    Cult of Games Member

    My condolences to the passing of the furball… though we shout and scream at them sometimes, we miss them dearly once they’ve passed away… *sigh*

    Will we as a hobby community come out of this pandemic with no Piles of Shame because we’ve painted it all?

    Nope, I still have more then enough on my plate


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer yes we are surprised by the heat.
    Our ‘heatwave’ standard is 5 days of 25+ Celsius with 3 days of 30+
    We’ve had a record breaking 8 days with several about 35 !

    Tea …

    And a bit not tea related 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer not surprised that it’s warm; it is summer after all.

    But in the UK, our summer temperatures are around 20-21C and a hot day is 25C.

    Over a week of temperatures nudging 30-35C is *hot* for us. Especially those of us who live in fully carpetted houses with no air conditioning, because the UK is famous for it’s grey skies, cold, wet, windy winters (and temperamental wet summers too).

    It’s not that it’s warm – but that it’s been so hot for so long that’s been surprising.

    And, of course, because our housing isn’t set up to deal with the heat. We can’t rip up the carpets or turning a central *heating* system into some kind of air conditioning! Because we can’t change the housing so easily, we’re going to have to change lifestyles.

    Will we as a hobby community come out of this pandemic with no Piles of Shame because we’ve painted it all?

    Not likely. 3d printing is getting bigger and bigger. You’ll all turn to the dark side soon enough 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Same goes for most Germans. Summers with peaks of 30°C are not unheard of but a week at 35°C+ is taking it’s toll on everybody. Even the plants are looking like it’s already autumn.

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