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Water effect experiment side project

Water effect experiment side project

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And the rest

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Since this is a rather simple project I did a lot of the stages on the same day. When the weather was reasonable cool (still bloody hot) I poured some of the resin water.

For painting I made a base coat of cheap acrylic black primer, pva and water in about 1:1:2
I painted the whole model with this in several thin layers. Since I also painted the underside, this meant painting one side, letting it dry and the painting the other, until it was completely covered.
This layer serves as primer, base layer and the pva seals the foam to make it more sturdy and able to  not be eaten by spray varnish.
I then drybrushed the whole with grey and then a lighter gray. This didn’t look right at all……

So I made a wash of watered down black (again, the cheap stuff, always use the cheap stuff on big projects if you can. Don’t waste GW or Vallejo on this).
This looked about right. I put some blodges of camo green wash to weather at several places and make the inside look like there’s some algae growth.
Finish with some matt varnish…

I then took the resin water. I used AK resin water, a 2 component epoxy resin.
Following the instructions I used the syringes to mix 1 hardener to 2 resin and mixed this in a paper cup. For mixing I used a wood tongue suppressor thingy I got from a craft store. Good wood material for other projects.
I then poured the mix in place and let set over night.
This taught me 2 things: this stuff is relatively easy to use and I don’t have enough.
So I ordered a new badge. The next day I poured a second layer giving the effect you see below.
It’s pretty good. At this point I’m wondering what to do. I could stick a model on top of this and call it a day.
But, since it’s an experiment….

I have some woodland scenic”s surface water effect lying around and this isn’t actually a fountain yet, is it? I ordered the wrong stuff and this would be the time to try it.
I might add some spouts with “actual”water coming out of it and experiment with some ripple effects…..

And the rest

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