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New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

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First miniature finished

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 15
First miniature finished
First miniature finished

So after priming the squad in Grey Seer I used Dark Angels Green contrast for the main of the armor, I think I might be using too much paint but I kinda like how it’s turned out.  The red I wanted something that popped in contrast to the dark green so I went with Blood Angels Red. The metal bits is base Leadbelcher washed with Nuln Oil. I was originally going to use Contrast Snakebite Leather for the pouches and holster but on a  friend’s suggestion I tried Layer Skrag Brown and washed it with Agrax Earthshade. I still might try Snakebit on another mini to be able to compare them. As for the Gold details and trim I went with Balthasar Gold washed with Agrax Earthshade.


I know it’s a bit splotchy but for the first miniature of the set i’m very pleased with how it’s turned out.


Also I have no idea why the pictures are sideways.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Inexplicable sideways photos are how you know you’re posting on the project system… it’s a secret badge of honour.

Looking good, really like the way the red stands out. Nice job


I haven’t used the contrast paints but it seems like the green is very patchy compared to other contrasts. There are a couple of interesting videos about contrasts that talk about the pigment content being much higher in some colours.
I think the green needs to be two layers to get a better finish.
Reach out if you need a hand and I’ll see how I can help

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