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Bushido Game board

Bushido Game board

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Slow progress, lazy weather

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 13
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Managed to get some picture of what little progress I made.

After undercoating the bamboo, I airbrushed it with a bright olive green. After this I hit it from below on the stalks and undersides of the leaves. This was a fast and easy way to highlight/shade and create a less uniform look.
Then some brown on the lower end of the stalks to dirty them up and hit the ground that wasn’t covered in leaves yet.
Varnish and place some ground cover I had lying around. Not sure how realistic this is for Japanese flora, bu I think it looks pretty good.

I also put in a little path made with playground sand mixed with pigment powder. I got this mix from a buddy of mine.

This leaves the grass and resin to be done on the board. I need to paint up my fish and start pouring.
Quite a daunting prospect

Slow progress, lazy weather
Slow progress, lazy weather

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