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Jan's Judgement

Jan's Judgement

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Itchynads!!!! (& Jaegar) Current model WiP!! Yay nearly caught up!!!!

Tutoring 12
Skill 11
Idea 13

And here we are……. nearly caught up!!!

WiP photos this time as Itchynads ( as the hellhound is lovingly called) and his Gobbo rider are what I am working on at the present!

Jaegar is another of the goblin characters and was in fact the first goblin that Judgement released. Due to some folk whining about having to build the models for Judgement and not being able to play them straight out of the box (afaik) the Judgement boys decided to try doing a PVC plastic preassembled model again and Jaegar was released. I immeditately upon getting him tried to dissassemble for sub assembly painting.
I was able to get him off the base but that was as far as I could go. The clean up was a bit of a bitch as PVC tends to ladders when you try to scape off any mouldlines and I needed to fill a few nasty seamlines.

Itchynads!!!! (& Jaegar) Current model WiP!! Yay nearly caught up!!!!

As Itchynads is a large beast I decided to break out the airbrush again for base colour and shadow work. After laying in my base colour and adding in some shadows, I then made a slip wash from the two main colours I had used so far; arabic shadow and eclipse grey and glazed it into the shadows to increase my depth  and also to get rid of the powdery airbrush look to the foundation work,

Itchynads!!!! (& Jaegar) Current model WiP!! Yay nearly caught up!!!!

Adding more ochre (Iroko) into the base mix I started to bring the highlights forward across the body.

I then decieded to focus on the head first adn come back to the rest of the body.

Adding more iroko and then some birch (creamy off white colour) into the mix I worked on bringing up the highlights on the face after painting the inside of the mouth.


And that;s where we are now. The face needs a little more refinement still. Once the face is done I’ll finish his teeth adn then focus on the highlights of the rest of the body. Itchynads’ skin will then be finished off with a fairly gentle sepia filter to bring it all together and add a little more richness and depth to his skin

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Cult of Games Member

Wow fabulous work on your project figures @irishsteve especially Sir Marcus.

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