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PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

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Two ex Gladiators Gang Fighters/Enforcers

Tutoring 9
Skill 13
Idea 12
Two ex Gladiators Gang Fighters/Enforcers

Next up are a couple of gang members, ex gladiators acting as enforcers for your Dominus, your leader. On the right we have Duodevicesimus, a former gladiator, this dashing charmer may have earned his freedom, but he retains his taste for combat. on the left we have Septimusdecimus, having learnt his craft in the fighting pits of Capua, this fighter aspires to a fearsome reputation … and coin that comes with it!

Two ex Gladiators Gang Fighters/Enforcers

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panzerkaputbuggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

great work, well done 😀

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