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Water effect experiment side project

Water effect experiment side project

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Basic build

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I started with some scraps on my proxxon. Getting an approximate size and started cutting all the pieces I needed.
It would be a basic square, hiding the corners is easiest by placing some wider columns there. To add some interest these will have a cap stone, just for some extra relief. In the middle of the foutain I’ll place a collumn and add a spare mini from a goody bag, if the project succeeds.

Basic build

Next, the brickwork. For the longer lines I used this little tool from shifting lands, a dutch company (well, one man as far as I know). It’s pretty well known for producing plenty of really good add-ones for the proxxon hot wire cutter and if you’re looking into working with this material I really suggest you check out his site. It has plenty of good stuff and tutorials. He’s also working on a book on creating scenery this way, which successfully kickstarted and should be available later this year.

Basic build

Then the rest of the structure. Drawing in the rest of the line with a ball point.
I then rounded out each corner that would be visible with the side of a pencil, for a more natural look. Finally some balled up aluminum foil dabbed and rolled to create a stone structure.

Basic build

And glue it together with PVA.
When this is dry tomorrow, I’ll start painting it up, time permitting.

Basic build

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