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Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

Resolution 2020: Clearing the pile of shame

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Kingdom Death Monster Gorm Expansion

Tutoring 16
Skill 16
Idea 15

The Gorm model and survivors went together well enough but the Gorm had some bad joint lines on his hips and around the head. Gerry suggested milliput for gap filling on the unofficial hobby hangout so I got my milliput out only to find it had turned rock solid. I guess that happens when you leave it for 15 years. I decided to proceed without filling the gaps in the hopes the paint job hid it. It did not.

The models were undercoated with zandri dust.

The Gorm’s skin was given a mottle effect along its back by first painting a solid patch of castellan green. I then surrounded it with a ring or large patches of castellan green. Around that I did a second ring of smaller patches. In total I did four rings, with the sizes of the patches getting successively smaller. This still looked very artificial, so I stippled castellan green over the entire pattern to blend the patches together.

The skin was then finished with plageubearer flesh over the entire model, followed by drybrushes of elysian green followed by ogryn camo.


The mottled patter on the Gorm's back before the plaguebearer flesh.The mottled patter on the Gorm's back before the plaguebearer flesh.

The survivor’s armour and regeneration suite were painted in the same way as the Gorm skin but without any mottled patterns.

Bone areas were painted zandri dust, followed by highlights of ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.

The skin (and inside the Gorm’s mouth) were painted bugman’s glow, followed by highlights of cadian fleshtone and kislev flesh.

The regeneration suite pinup model’s hair was painted evil sunz scarlet followed by highlights of wild rider red.

Metal areas were painted ironbreaker.

The models were then given an all over wash of seraphim sepia. I do this to all my Kingdom Death Monster models as I want the sepia tones to tie all the models together and with the art style of the game.

Light sources were then painted white scar, and then white scar was drybrushed around them where light would strike the modelThe sources were washed with casandora yellow and the areas of glow were glazed lamenter’s yellow.

The Gorm’s eyes were so big I felt I had to try to paint them well. They had three coats of white scar to give them a good solid base colour. I then used naggaroth night to paint purple circles for the irises. Then I used xereus purple to paint a star pattern over the naggaroth night. On top of this I painted a finer genestealer purple star. Once these were dry I used abaddon black to paint a central circle to be the pupil. Finally a dot of flash gitz yellow served as a reflection of the Gorm’s glowing lure.

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kantor72zebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great mottling effect!

Cult of Games Member

Did @dignity pose for this KDM beasty ?

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