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A Song of Ice and Fire - CMON miniatures game - Lannisters

A Song of Ice and Fire - CMON miniatures game - Lannisters

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Sandor Clegane

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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As the majority of this mini is just going to be the plate armour (which I simply apply Nuln Oil to be zenithal basecoat) I decided to try and document the other steps in pictures.

Firstly the final results for those that don’t want to see inbetween steps.


Flesh was done using my standard scheme – Bugman’s Glow  with raised areas picked out using Cadian Fleshtone before a wash of Reikland Fleshshade.

I added a beard briefly using Rhinox Hide but it looked terrible so I painted over it with Bugman’s Glow – surprising the result looks more like stubble so that was a result.

I wasn’t sure how to do the burnt skin but I ended up using Pink Horror then Reikland Fleshshade before highlighting with Emperor’s Children.

Hair …

Belt, gloves and chainmail.

Once all those were done it was a Nuln Oil wash over the chainmail and plate to darken it down as with all the other units so far.

I’ve been doing swords as follows.

Retributor Armour with Reikland Fleshshade on the hilt. Contrast Space Wolves Grey on the blade.

As the mini lacks colour I added a red gem to the hilt.

All that was left after that was the basing which you can see at the top of this post.



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