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Reply To: Indomitus alocations to stores is already "sold out" world wide

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Indomitus alocations to stores is already "sold out" world wide Reply To: Indomitus alocations to stores is already "sold out" world wide



could someone please explain to me why nearly all FLGS including OTT have chosen not to apply their usual discount to this box set? a couple have but most have not. I can only assume greed?

The allocation was slashed by GW just before release. Already the online and bricks & mortar stores are having to explain to unhappy customers why they have had to cancel their pre-orders. And now they won’t be selling that many units, so profit has been cut, therefore less incentive to provide a discount.

If you want to point the finger then point it at GW. By limiting the stock they have kept the price high. Good for them right now, but maybe they have generated some ill feeling that will drive away people like me who were going to jump back in to 40k after years away.

And consider the poor bricks & mortar stores who have been shut for weeks due to covid and were hoping to make some much needed money selling this hotly anticipated new release, only to find out they are getting a lot less stock to sell. A lot of small stores rely on 40k and MTG sales to keep the lights on.

Of course maybe Warren lied to us about his holiday. Instead of a camper van maybe he is jetting off 1st class to the bahamas whilst counting all the filthy money he made selling Indomitus :p

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