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Human Fantasy/Medieval Army

Human Fantasy/Medieval Army

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Finished Men at Arms and a Giant

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6
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These have been sat on a shelf unfinished for some time, well a year to be precise. So I dusted them off and decided to get some paint on them. It didn’t take too long to give them a quick and dirty looking paint job.

This project has basically slowed again, mainly because I’m not playing any large scale fantasy rules at the moment, though some of these miniatures will get used in Lion Rampart games. This has meant I’ve not been in too much of a rush to get this army finished. I’ve been wain laid by other projects.

I have also now added a giant into the army, this miniature is from a D&D board game.I picked up three different ones at UKGE last year for £3 each.  I found him quite easy to paint up and he fits in nicely to the army.

Men at ArmsMen at Arms
Finished GiantFinished Giant

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