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Maledrakh incorporates contrast paints

Maledrakh incorporates contrast paints

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Nolzurs Spectator and Gazers

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Still messing about with contrast paints, we come to the Nolzur’s Marvellous miniatures Spectator and Gazers.


The Spectator and Gazer are obviously variants of the classic Beholder…

but smaller…


A lot smaller.

I painted these with Contrasts: Terradon Turquoise and Volupus Pink. A single coat of contrast paint straight onto the nolzur light grey primer after cleaing off all those horrible mould lines and touching up with some light grey paint. I wetblended the eyestalks. The tongue is Magos Purple. The eyes are done with regular paint and gloss varnish. The tongue was also given a coat of gloss varnish.

Really simple. Really effective.


I put the Spectator on a 32mm 3D-printed base and the Gazers on 20mm bases.

What you lookin’ at?!?


These minis were completed July 10th 2020


Spectator and Gazers

Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures, Wave 9


PVC boardgame plastic

32mm plus 20mm bases.

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