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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Ghouls

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Ghouls

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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These were a lot of fun to paint.

The bags with the hands and feet are from the Mantic Games Ghoul sprue. I liked the blood soaked bottom to the bag idea. After using some Blood for the Blood God paint I hit it with some Nulin Oil to try and give it blood stain / dry and recent blood mix. I think it came out well.

For the tan and bone colours I used Zandri Dust, Morghast Bone and Wraithbone.

I used different washes for the hair and on the loin clothes to give some variety. Seraphim Sepia, Athonian Camoshade, Snakebite Leather and Darkoath Contrast worked really well.

When I did my Gnoll Archers I added white flowers to the basing as a useful signifier and it did help when playing. So as it worked before I went back to it for these ranged ghouls and I think it will help and it looks cool too obviously. ?


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