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Greywater Fastness Smogbelchers

Greywater Fastness Smogbelchers

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Project Blog by KronosTheTraveler

Recommendations: 312

About the Project

This project was inspired by my work with the Last Legion project I've been doing for Warmachine. I've always been fascinated by the Greywater Fastness in Age of Sigmar- a city that is built in the realm of Ghyran, but is focused on industry, technology, and big guns in a realm of living trees and elemental spirits. However, the models we currently have for the Cities of Sigmar really don't seem to convey the aesthetic of "industrial expansion and innovation" that the Fastness is built on. Therefore, drawing from my Last Legion models for inspiration, I set about building the Smogbelchers- an expeditionary force from the Greywater Fastness that is the living embodiment of their technological prowess. Expect less feathered caps and pantaloons, and more heavy riveted metal plates, pistons, gears, and massive firearms!

This Project is Cancelled


Tutoring 9
Skill 19
Idea 19
Battle AutomataBattle Automata
Ironside EnforcerIronside Enforcer
Ammo JackAmmo Jack
Soul Mortar (Endless Spell)Soul Mortar (Endless Spell)


Tutoring 12
Skill 21
Idea 23

Archon Infantry (Stormcast Judicators)

Ironside Hellions Section A (Gyrocopters w. Steam Guns)Ironside Hellions Section A (Gyrocopters w. Steam Guns)
Ironside Hellions Section B (Gyrocopters w. Brimstone Guns)Ironside Hellions Section B (Gyrocopters w. Brimstone Guns)
Militia Gunslingers (Freeguild Pistoliers)Militia Gunslingers (Freeguild Pistoliers)


Tutoring 12
Skill 21
Idea 22
No Comments

Ironside Riflemen Section A (Irondrakes)

Ironside Riflemen Section B (Irondrakes)

Militia Handgunners (Freeguild Handgunners)Militia Handgunners (Freeguild Handgunners)
Militia Long Gunners (Freeguild Crossbowmen)Militia Long Gunners (Freeguild Crossbowmen)


Tutoring 12
Skill 21
Idea 22
No Comments
Helblaster Volley Gun Helblaster Volley Gun "Cranky Frank"
Helstorm Rocket Battery Helstorm Rocket Battery "Screaming Eagle"
Ironside Steam Cannon (Empire Greatcannon)Ironside Steam Cannon (Empire Greatcannon)


Tutoring 11
Skill 18
Idea 20
No Comments
Steam TankSteam Tank


Tutoring 12
Skill 19
Idea 19
No Comments
Ironside Combat Engineer (Cogsmith)Ironside Combat Engineer (Cogsmith)
Militia General (Empire General on War Horse)Militia General (Empire General on War Horse)

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