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Adding a little Armour to my Custodes Force

Adding a little Armour to my Custodes Force

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Then it was on to the colours themselves.

Paints I used:
Base Coat – Retributor Armour Spray
Gold Shade – Reikland Fleshshade
Engines – Corvus Black, drybrush Leadbelcher and shade Nuln Oil
Red Details – Khorne Red, Drybrush Mephiston Red, drybrush Evil Sunz Scarlet
Lights/Lenses – Sotek Green, Temple Guard Blue, Baharroth Blue

The red goes on well but it's definitely worth going over it a couple of times to get rid of the sneaky gold underneath!The red goes on well but it's definitely worth going over it a couple of times to get rid of the sneaky gold underneath!

You will definitely need to put a couple of coats over the top of the base coat. The gold looks great when it’s sprayed on but it’s a pain to paint over.

Check the video out below to see my ‘painting journey’

Painting Video...

Finished Models...


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