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Zebraoutrider joins the Ordo Xenos and the Mubraxis Dustdogs

Zebraoutrider joins the Ordo Xenos and the Mubraxis Dustdogs

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Mubraxis Dustdogs - Rough Rider Unit WIP

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 10
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To get me started, I have focused on building the Mubraxis Dustdogs Rough Rider units. There will be two five-man units so that I can have two sergeants with different weapons.

Sergeant 1 will be armed with a Volkenite Carbine and Power Fist and I’ve swapped his head out for a Iron Hands bionic head, trimmed down to fit the torso.

Sergeant 2 is armed with a Power Whip from the Renegade Militia Enforcer kit and a Bolt Pistol from the Space Marines Scout kit.

One rough rider has a sniper rifle from  a Vostoyan miniature, whilst another rough rider has a multi-melta again from the Renegade Militia Forge World kit.

For the remaining six riders, I used arms from the Militia and Enforcer kits but with right hands removed to slot in lances from the Dark Elf Cold One riders’ sprue. Each member of the unit was adorned with frankly random bits of equipment from my bits boxes before I used liquid green stuff to hide the chainmail in the legs that originally were Dark Elf riders’ legs. Once painted, I’m sure they will look fine and each rider and mount will come together.

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