Just What Are Knight Models Planning for This Autumn?

July 29, 2014 by dracs

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Over on their Facebook, Knight Models recently changed their cover image to show an awesome diorama piece that teases something headed our way this fall. Just what could this mean?

Knight Models Fall Teaser

The diorama features Batman standing in front of the entrance to Arkham Asylum in a manner which is reminiscent of the cover to the awesome Arkham Asylum comic.

Arkham Asylum

If I was to take a guess I would say that this means Knight Models are planning to expand their Batman Miniatures Game to include the first in the Arkham video game series, Batman Arkham Asylum.

Arkham Asylum was different to the later additions to the series as it was far more confined and lacked the sand box element of City and Origins. It was my favourite of the series, so I would be interested to see how it would be adapted by Knight Models.

What do you think this teaser could mean?

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