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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Highlanders Bases

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Base steps: 1. Odd bits of FoamCore; 2. Attach figures; 3. Apply DAS to mould landscapeBase steps: 1. Odd bits of FoamCore; 2. Attach figures; 3. Apply DAS to mould landscape

Not much to present unfortunately, been sidetracked with a number if issues, BUT, I wanted to share quickly the three Highlander bases I am working on.  The steps are self explanatory, but essentially I have stuck down some random foam core to a standard base to add limited hight differences.

Figures are glued down once the foam core is set, and afterwards DAS air-drying clay is stuck down to give volume and texture to the base.

Step 4. PvA glue and sand; 5. Flocking; 6. Assorted scatterStep 4. PvA glue and sand; 5. Flocking; 6. Assorted scatter

Likewise the final steps are as expected.  Watered down PvA (about 60/40) applied to the dry DAS base and fine sand added.  This helps to give some texture and also seems to set the figures in better to the base.

After that, the usual flock is applied (also with 60/40 PvA)  and finally some odds and ends of bushes, stones etc. to give a little dioramic affect.

I’ll post a final summary on the 20th, but as an aside, I was sufficiently enthused that I attempted to make some small houses.  Again nothing new here. Foam core walls, balsa wood roof with added DAS for the thatched effect.

Houses Houses "adorned" with mdf fixtures from 4ground

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