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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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What a fight!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Hi sorry for the late update, but i have finnaly found the time to share some of the pics, me and my pal Rasmus took though our game last week. It was a really fun game, we tried hostage exchange, witch is a really cool and unik new mission.

Bassically you have just exchange hostages and are on you way back before all hell break loss. You both have 1 units each, in the middle of the table with a hostage, and you have to try get it back to you deployment zone.

It was a fun game, I made some mistakes, and made our table a bit to open, and i lost. But it was a nice table I cant play on anything less, thanks to @warzan , @lloyd and those amazing tables ive seen on the weekender, and when I have visited ott HQ itself .

Not all fotos are great, its hard to be a combat fotograf, and playing the game ;D

But i really love the paint job, he have been giving those Imperial forces

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