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Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

Manda's (Amachan) 3D Printing Adventures

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My first print.

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 9
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My first print involved 3 models, because why not print 3 in the time of 1.

My first print.

After soaking them in warm water I was able to remove most of the supports with ease. On the tall thin monster thing that is apparently called “Morning” it was a bit more of a struggle. I used the pre-supported print for that. The other two I build the supports myself and apart from the feet of the Mutunus Tutunus and the base of the Dryad everything came off really easy, I supported those bits quite heavy, a bit too heavy possibly.

I then cured them in cold water under a UV light and this is how they came out. Still wet from the water, but that won’t take too long to dry.

My first print.

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James (JP Max) Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That first picture reminds me of a really scary roller coaster ride!

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