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The Belons fantasy box

The Belons fantasy box

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Little big wyvern

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 4
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This model from the gw warmaster range is awesomeThis model from the gw warmaster range is awesome
  1. Not sure why the pictures are upside down, i guess its more orcy that way.

the warmaster wyvern is a great model to paint, i wanted to try out some ideas with the contrast and the big wings  were the perfect area to try out one of them.

i wanted to create bands of colour that gave the idea of striped skin.

to do this i used different undercoats to create the bands and then used multiple layers of thinned contrast on top. Think i came out looking pretty cool.

i am amazed how much detail they put in to the dude riding the giant beast.

Little big wyvern
Little big wyvern

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Cult of Games Member

A Dragon from down under! Huzza! XD

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