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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

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Sea shanty

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
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Sea shanty

I remembered that I actually came up with a sea shanty of my own devising. It was sparked by playing the pirate computer game Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. I started making a Blood and Plunder force and the idea came to me.

How must it have been to cast off, leaving home for months and years on end and never knowing if you’ll see home again?

For the sake of Rangers of Shadow Deep it’s just a tune to sing around the fire at night to remind them of their life together at sea, changing the word ‘England’ to Tallis, one of the main cities the RoSD lore and Spaniards to picaroons.
And before you laugh… The smell of a loved one’s hair as you sleep beside them seemed like a personal connection that everyone can relate to. Some of my friends thought I was being filthy which changed the song a bit.

Sweet Mary-Lou

I’ve spent all of my life before the mast,

Toward thoughts of my end my mind’s rarely been cast

But perhaps it’s my age,
Or my heart, to be true

My thoughts drift to Tallis and Sweet Mary-Lou

Would she miss me, would she hate me?
Would she find love again?
If she ever found out that I met a bad end
Would her heart fill with sorrow?
Would she even care?
For it’s been 2 long years since I smelt her black hair

She swore when I set sail she’d be true to the last
But I’d sworn to be home by now, many months past
I can blame warring Picaroons,
Plundering Pirates too,
But it’s the call of the sea keeps me from Mary-Lou

Would she miss me, would she hate me?
Would she find love again?
If she ever found out that I met a bad end
Would her heart fill with sorrow?
Would she even care?
For it’s been 2 long years since I smelt her black hair

A hurricane’s upon us, the tempest tugs at my bones
Alas the First Mates’ a pup, not a man fully grown
The Captain, the drunkard, led us to this black sky
To Mary, to Tallis,
My soul grows wings to fly.

Would she miss me, would she hate me?
Would she find love again?
If she ever found out that I met a bad end
Would her heart fill with sorrow?
Would she even care?
For it’s been 2 long years since I smelt her black hair

Will she miss me, will she hate me?

Will she find love again?

Will she ever find out that I met a bad end

Will her heart fill with sorrow?

Will she even care?

In the harbour of heaven, i pray we’ll meet again.

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