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8th Army Indian Infantry

8th Army Indian Infantry

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...need(ed) a little time...

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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It’s been quite a while since I last posted in this projrct log…but maybe it was worth it. Because I’m gonna call this  one done…Hurrah! The very last units I did over the course of the last months were the MMG-Team, the Medium Mortar and crew, the QF 2pdr AT-Gun all of which I bought as metal figures from Perry Miniatures…and I was very keen to be able to field a (small) unit of Royal Engineers or Sappers and Miners, but what a pity, there seems to be no manufacturer around to do some proper models…if any of you kind veterans of wargaming know a miniatures company who does figures accordingly, please feel free to tell me. Anyhow, one of the best things about this wonderful hobby is the fact that whenever there is noone offering something to buy it means DIY:-). So I mader up my mind, did some research of photographic footage and made five figures out of the Warlord Games 8th Army infantry sprues and scratch built equipment. Now here we go again and I may present to you some support and some tough as nails Sappers of the Army of his majesty the King…

The 2pdr AT Gun (1)The 2pdr AT Gun (1)
The 2pdr AT Gun (2)The 2pdr AT Gun (2)
The Medium MortarThe Medium Mortar
The MMG TeamThe MMG Team
and Minersand Miners
all together nowall together now

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