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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Captain Fletcher

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Gunner Fokker Blaidd.

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Gunner Fokker Blaidd.

Blaidd (Bl-aith) is Welsh for Wolf. So Fokker wolf seemed fun to me and Welsh is always fun for fantasy sounding names.

Fokker is made from a NorthStar Ghost Archipelago crewmen sprue body and arms, with a NorthStar Barbarian head and Warlord Games ECW helmet.

The helmet neatly ties him in with his First Mate, the knife at his back ties him with the swordsmen and his captain and the red sash helps tie him with the tan and red theme of the group.

With all that effort to make him part of the team, I still went for different basing. This was mainly because I can see the rest of the group making their way into crews for Blood and Plunder with the 20mm basing advised. The only archers in Blood and Plunder tend to be Caribbean natives, so I figured I could more easily reuse Fokker in Frostgrave or other fantasy skirmish games if he was based this way. The basing does tie in with other recent RoSD basing i have been doing, so it won’t look that out of place.

Fokker is from the southern climbs of Alladore. The great forests, their marches protected by hard men, forged in the hard frontier life style. Fokker was taught to hunt with a bow from a young age, was set to probably become a professional hunter and skinner, but sadly a drunken fight got out of hand and changed his life forever. A chance blow, a wild connection to the temple, killed his opponent and he was found guilty of “wanton bloodletting”. He was only 16 years old. The judge decided to wave the death sentence and banish Fokker from the Nar region and sentenced him to 20 years servitude with the Alladore Navy. This was an uncommon decision, but a secret mandate from Tallis requested men for the Navy due to fresh concerns of a war with Lorenthia. The war never materialised, being at piece for decades, but the heightened political tensions at the time saved Fokker’s life.

Fokker is a gunner. He had worked as a Bosun among other roles, but he never had designs on being a Captain. Initially he resented being found guilty, especially when such drunken brawls were part of the culture. It was a wonder more lives hadn’t been lost in the same chance way, but over the years he matured, became very pragmatic and stoic and his bravery and skill in battle became the talk of the fleet. Now he has completed his 20 years and still serves the navy that has become his home and his family. Heading back in land, with villages and and hamlets looking much like the lands he grew up in, he has mixed emotions. Fokker is a man of few words and rarely wastes much time dwelling on his feelings and distracted himself, checking his quiver for the umpteenth time that morning as they marched on.

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