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Stuck at Home; Keeping myself sane

Stuck at Home; Keeping myself sane

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Painting the Death Guard Myphitic Blight-Hauler

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Myphitic Blight-hauler is a light Daemon Engine that provides the Death Guard with heavy firepower wherever it is needed. Resembling a Bloat-drone that has been stripped of its turbines, this strange machine has heavy weapons mounted on its carapace, and its rusting armored plates can absorb impressive punishment – as can its blubbery exposed flesh-parts, which soak up appalling trauma.

This is one of the new easy build kits from Games Workshop, it was as it should be an easy kit to build. There was very little in the way of mould lines on the kit, so clean up was really quick and easy.

The first thing was to under coat using Games Workshop Wraithbone. I’ve stopped under coating in black these days and generally only undercoat in white, grey or Wraithbone.

Next was to paint the armour

Step !; Base coat the amour with Death Guard Green by Games Workshop

Step 2: A coat of wash using Military Shader from Army Painter

Step 3: A thin coat of Death Guard Green in the areas where you don’t want the shade showing.

Step 4: A 50/50 mix of Death Guard Green and Zamesi Desert from Games Workshop for mid tone

Step 5: A mix of 25/75 of Death Guard and Zamesi to start high lighting the raised areas.

Step 6: Additional shading in the cracks and along some of the edging with a purple wash, you can either use a pre made wash or pick a purple paint and make a thin wash with a medium.

Step 7: Using the Zamesi Desert with a small drop of Death Guard,probably a mix of 85/15 for edge high lighting and anywhere else you think its appropriate.


The metal edging was done using Leadbelcher and this was washed with Nuln Oil both paints are from GAmes Workshop.


The bronze metal was painted with Retributor Armour, and then was washed with Seraphim Sepia and Seleton Horde Contrast. At this point I started adding rust on the steel coloured metal, basically dab a dark brown on. I used Rhinox Hide from GW, once dried I stippled the brown with an orange, I used an orange from Windsor and Newton. I then washed over this with a wash of brown to dull it down slightly,

The fangs/teeth where painted white and then washed with Skeleton Horde Contrast, then Agrax Earthshade both are from Games Workshop.

The light and gums were painted with a Blood Angels Red Contrast from GW. The gums were too bright so this was toned downed using Strong Tone wash from Army Painter. The gun was washed in Nuln Oil and the missiles on the other side were painted with a contrast red.

The fleshy parts were painted as follows

Step 1: A wash of Reikland Flesh shade from Games Workshop

Step 2: A coat of Carroburg Crimson from GW

Step 3: A coat of Druchii Violet from GW

Step 4: Raised areas were painted with a Red contrast

Step 5: A coat of 50/50 Mephiston Red and the Orange from Windsor and Newton

The weapon was painted with Lead Belcher and washed with Nuln Oil, then I washed the front of the gun with a thin coat of Sepia. The tentacles or whatever they are on the top of the vehicle were painted with a brown wash, then a red wash, followed with a purple wash. The tops were painted with a thin coat of green ink, with a final wash of Skeleton Horde Contrast.

The rest of the metal areas such as the tracks were painted with Lead Belcher, then washed with Nuln Oil followed by a wash of Agrax Eartshade. I then followed this up by picking out areas to paint in rust.

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