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Hardcell-class interstellar Transport SW Legion Scale

Hardcell-class interstellar Transport SW Legion Scale

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Project Entry by fleboy Cult of Games Member

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Hardcell-class Transport

Tutoring 22
Skill 22
Idea 22
Different Layers of styrofoam were cut in cylindrical shapes using the Proxxon hot wire cutter and the circular cutting board from Shiftinglands.Different Layers of styrofoam were cut in cylindrical shapes using the Proxxon hot wire cutter and the circular cutting board from Shiftinglands.
The different parts were put together to adjust the cutting angles. They were also hollowed to reduce the overall weight.The different parts were put together to adjust the cutting angles. They were also hollowed to reduce the overall weight.
The support feet were cut from MDF wood to provide more stability and strenght to the construction.The support feet were cut from MDF wood to provide more stability and strenght to the construction.
Base with feet from underneathBase with feet from underneath
I added some piping to the middle section by using straws some of which i cut in half.I added some piping to the middle section by using straws some of which i cut in half.
The dome was created by simply cutting in half a styrofoam ball. Then 3 slots were cut for the antennas. I designed them in TinkerCAD and simply print them out on my filament printer using PLA.The dome was created by simply cutting in half a styrofoam ball. Then 3 slots were cut for the antennas. I designed them in TinkerCAD and simply print them out on my filament printer using PLA.
I added some greebles to the top part. The hatches were created by simply cutting a styrofoam egg and cutting away recesses for the egg-parts to fit in. I also added some panels made from cardboard to ake the surface look more interesting.I added some greebles to the top part. The hatches were created by simply cutting a styrofoam egg and cutting away recesses for the egg-parts to fit in. I also added some panels made from cardboard to ake the surface look more interesting.
The power units were also created cutting and stacking cylindrical shapes of polystyrene and adding dome made of half cut polystyrene balls.The power units were also created cutting and stacking cylindrical shapes of polystyrene and adding dome made of half cut polystyrene balls.
I then basecoated the entire model with a black basecoat of craft paint.I then basecoated the entire model with a black basecoat of craft paint.

And there it is, fully painted and in all its glory! I cannot wait to play a game of Star Wars Legion on our table with this beast on top. Hope you like this little project of mine.

Thanks for reading and until next time!

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fleboyzingezorgDennis CrossDoug Portman Recent comment authors
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Crazy scale! Amazing results!


I like the way you combined Foam core and 3D printing to make this model, the future of modelling is here 🙂

Hope to get a Proxon Hot-wire cutter myself before the end of the month, already have 2 Ender 3’s and just backed the kickstart of the CR-6 SE, so yeah i make a lot of use of 3D printing for scenery and figures 😉

Cult of Games Member

Awesome job! Well done. 🙂

Cult of Games Member

the ship looks fabulous @fleboy and congratulations on the gold button.


Hi Great looking model – very inspiring – What foam are you using and where can i get it from?

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