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50t Challenge: GorkaMorka Wild Orkz with Contrast Paints by Bothi

50t Challenge: GorkaMorka Wild Orkz with Contrast Paints by Bothi

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Block 2:

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So. Another 2 month have passed and Block 2 was successfully painted. It’s another set of models worth 50 teef, bringing me to the first “legal” list of 100 teef. It contains my Boss (duh), a Wildboy on Boar, 2 Fickies with Bows and 4 Fickies mit Choppa.
I have to say I slacked quite a lot the past 2 month so I was really happy that I started this project with some hardcore speed painting with them nice Contrast Paints (I love those). So these 8 models took me less than 4h in total. That is less than 30 minutes per model. Probably more like 20 per Fickie, about 40 on the Boss and up to an hour on the Wildboy on Boar.

Enitre Block 2Enitre Block 2
Boss and WildboyBoss and Wildboy
Fickies with BowsFickies with Bows
Fickies with ChoppaFickies with Choppa
Last but not least: The Lloyd Shot!Last but not least: The Lloyd Shot!

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