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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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Han Solo

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 7
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I got my hands on han solo at a clearing sale, and now he is painted up, and I think he looks pretty okay.

I gave him a base paint ap uniform Grey.

Boots: painted ap Matt black, then dry brushed ap uniform Grey, and washed gw nuln oil.

Pants: vj chocolate brown, a bit of ap leather brown on some straps and his belt. Then I used ap desert yellow on his sewing. Then I gave the whole thing gw arthrax Earthshade.

West and coat: his shirt was painted ap skeleton bone washed it with gw arthrax Earthshade and high lighted with AP skeleton bone. on the west i used vj german Grey and highlighted with ap uniform Grey, and washed it in nuln oil . The coat was already Grey, and I used a ap soft tone, and it made it green grey like I wanted it to?

The gun was painted vj German grey, vj gun metal grey 1:1 and highlighted with ap plate metal, and then washed it with gw nuln oil.

Skin : ap elf flesh, gw sephia wash, and then a highlight of ap elf flesh.

Hair: his hair was painted with AP dessert yellow and washed with gw sephia wash, and then highlighted with AP dessert Yellow.


Han Solo
Han Solo
Han Solo

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