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ECW - resurrection after 40 years

ECW - resurrection after 40 years

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Scottish vanguard is here

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6

So far there are six regiments of foote, three cavalry squadrons, and the single base of light guns.

The Scottish armies had limited access to cannon, but those they did have were identical to the ones used elsewhere in the ECW so when I get them done, they can be used by anyone.

There are still 2/3 foote regiments and probably two bases of Highlanders (essentially they are “mobs” in the rules with assorted weaponry, but no pike support).  Of course the Highlanders means more kilts!

For these I went with a very simply approach – the single unit with kilts is front centre and all I did was paint a green base for the underlying tartan and then paint a series of thinnish lines to make a hatched effect. Where these overlapped, I added a “dot” of a deeper colour.  If I feel brave, I’ll try a more complex pattern of tartan with the next units.

The The "Ammo" dice as part of the base

In a previous post I mentioned that the more elaborate rules will have a variable of ammunition for the foote units.  I was originally thinking of having a marker, but as there will already be a casualty marker and a re-load marker, (and possibly a “disorganized” marker, yet another would be too much.

So, all I did was glue a short piece of matchstick to the back of the base, and fix figures on the two sides on the base. The dice can be removed easily, and from the rear clearly indicate how many rounds are left.

So, next up I’ll move to artillery to have a break from the larger units for a while.

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applemakoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

@applemak – awesome work! I love the idea of ammo dice on the base to track during the battle. I also like the flags and pikes. Looks great in formation, I love the extra 3D effect.

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